Saturday, 26 February 2011

Fabulous things

I have never been much of an optimist, my glass is half empty and I don't see silver linings, just clouds. So it has been quite difficult for me to take the positives out of my cancer diagnosis. I hear all the time from people who feel that their life has changed for the better, they're stronger, happier than before. Not me, I haven't had the pleasure of experiencing that special place that cancer is supposed to take you to.
But some fabulous things have happened to me since I was diagnosed, things that wouldn't have happened to me if it wasn't for cancer.
I had my photograph projected on to a building in Singapore, I guess it was picked because my face was a little more interesting without hair. I don't mind that. As I look at this picture I can't help wondering if those people going so industriously about their business below actually looked up and if they did, what was it they saw? At first glance I look pretty cool but maybe, if they gave it more than a fleeting glance, they really saw me. I do know that they can't have understood just how much it meant to me.