Tomorrow will be an interesting anniversary. I've already done the "year since diagnosis" and the "year since surgery", tomorrow is the "year since my first chemo".
I woke up on the 6th January 2010 to find that my prayers had seemingly been answered, it had snowed heavily through the night. So that was that then, the roads would be blocked, hospitals would be closed and I wouldn't have to go for my first treatment. I phoned the hospital which was 17 miles away expecting a recorded message but a cheerful voice told me not to worry, to take my time but I really should try to get there.
And of course I did get there. I'm not sure if I can adequately describe the actual "chemo" experience but I will try. I was absolutely terrified, my hands were shaking in fact I think my whole body was shaking but once the cannula went in I was strangely calm. Only then was I able to look around and to listen to the quiet hum of conversation, the unfamiliar sounds of the equipment, the occasional giggle.
I had been told that if I took the anti sickness tablets I should have a fairly uneventful night and It was until about 10 o'clock. I remember saying to my husband that I thought I'd get an early night and promptly threw up on the stairs as he looked on in horror. I managed to get up to the bathroom where my poor cat Dylan was sleeping and, yes, I was sick over him too.
It was only much later that my husband admitted that on that first chemo night he didn't think he would be able to cope. It got easier and we coped but I don't think Dylan has ever forgiven me.
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